Clever Core offers a number of significant sustainability benefits when compared to traditional house builds.
Environment health and safety
Typical on site construction produces a considerable quantity of waste of which a large portion goes to land fill. Land fill as a disposal method is not sustainable and charges to dump are increasing in order to encourage more recycling. The design and production manufacturing process delivers measurable, significant savings in material waste and therefore environmental impact. There are several ways this happens, they are:
- Firstly, the design process aims to maximise the use of the major material components with efficient design
- The factory CNC machining process virtually eliminates mistakes and rejects
- All materials for manufacturing are stored and used in the factory so this eliminates the risk of weather damage
- What waste is produced is contained and isolated from the external environment, i.e. it can’t blow or wash away
There are 3 main materials used in the Clever Core manufacturing process which are cut, drilled or machined to size and as such produce waste. These are:
- Wood (Laminated Veneer Lumber or LVL)
- Gibboard (Weatherline RAB, Standard internal gib board and Fireline)
- Insulation (Pink bats)
These materials form most of the factory waste. All are handled in designated bins with specific locations and disposed of separately.

The wood waste is used as a substitute for coal in the kiln firing process in the production of cement. In addition to this the H1.2 timber treatment used in LVL timber framing is treated with AZOTEC. This timber treatment has been developed in NZ and does not contain a wet solvent treatment. This offers equal durability performance to traditional treatments with the addition of health benefits for constructors and ultimately the home owner.
Gib Board is stripped of the paper and crushed down to a powder form for use as natural lime soil conditioner for the agricultural industry.
Pink batts off cuts are not recyclable but can be used on site in new homes for minor sound and insulation applications.
Planning your
next project?
With a dedicated team of experts and the systems to transform our industry in place, contact us to discuss your next build.